
Lijian Guo, Meng Ma, Linnan Wu, Mengdie Zhou, Mengyao Li, Baowei Wu, Long Li, Xiangli Liu, Ruilian Jing, Wei Chen, Huixian Zhao, Modified expression of TaCYP78A5 enhances grain weight with yield potential by accumulating auxin in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

作者:  来源:DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13704  发布日期:2021-09-12  浏览次数:

Modified expression of TaCYP78A5 enhances grain weight with yield potential by accumulating auxin in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Lijian Guo, Meng Ma, Linnan Wu, Mengdie Zhou, Mengyao Li, Baowei Wu, Long Li, Xiangli Liu, Ruilian Jing, Wei Chen, Huixian Zhao

Plant Biotechnology

DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13704


Increasing grain yield has always been the primary goal of crop breeding. KLUH/CYP78A5 has been shown to affect seed size in several plant species, but the relevant molecular mechanism is still unclear and there are no reports of this gene contributing to yield. Here, we demonstrate that modified expression of TaCYP78A5 can enhance wheat grain weight and grain yield per plant by accumulating auxin. TaCYP78A5 is highly expressed in maternal tissues, including ovary and seed coat during wheat development. The constitutive overexpression of TaCYP78A5 leads to significantly increased seed size and weight but not grain yield per plant due to the strengthening of apical dominance. However, localized overexpression of TaCYP78A5 in maternal integument enhances grain weight and grain yield per plant by 4.3%-18.8% and 9.6%-14.7%, respectively, in field trials. Transcriptome and hormone metabolome analysis reveals that TaCYP78A5 participates in auxin synthesis pathway and promotes auxin accumulation and cell wall remodeling in ovary. Phenotype investigation and cytological observation shows that localized overexpression of TaCYP78A5 in ovary results in delayed flowering and prolonged proliferation of maternal integument cells, which promotes grain enlargement. Moreover, naturally occurring variations in the promoter of TaCYP78A5-2A contribute to thousand-grain weight (TGW) and grain yield per plant of wheat;TaCYP78A5-2A haplotype Ap-HapII with higher activity is favorable for improving grain weight and grain yield per plant and has been positively selected in wheat breeding. Then, a functional marker of TaCYP78A5 haplotype Ap-HapII is developed for marker-assisted selection in wheat grain and yield improvement.