

  王乔春,男,1958年2月生,四川眉山人,博士,教授,博士生导师。1982年毕业于四川农业大学园艺系,获学士学位,同年留校任助教。1988年毕业于瑞典农业大学园艺系,获硕士学位。1988-1995年,在四川农业大学园艺系任助讲师、副教授、系副主任、林学园艺学院常务副院长。1994年在奥地利维也纳农业大学应用微生物系作高级访问学者。1995-1998年在四川省农业科学院园艺所任所长、研究员。2003年毕业于以色列西伯莱大学,获博士学位,同年在该校完成博士后工作。2003-2008年在芬兰赫尔辛基大学应用生物系作访问教授。2007年回国,在西北农林科技大学园艺学院任教授,博士生导师。国际低温生物学学会常务理事, 担任Plant Cell Reports, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Annals of Applied Biology, In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Plant, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum学术刊物编委。




  A.1984-1990年间,主要研究扦插繁殖机理与技术。以Hibiscus rosa-sinensis为试材, 首次在国际上报道母株年龄和光照条件是影响插条生根的关键因素。明确指出,适合于Hibiscus rosa-sinensis扦插繁殖的母株年龄为3年,母株暗处理或遮光处理有利于插条生根。上述研究在国际刊物上发表5篇论文,其中在SCI刊物上发表1篇,应邀参加国际学术会议,并作大会发言。      B.1991-1995年间,主要研究苹果与梨试管苗繁殖的机理与技术。揭示了苹果与梨茎尖外植体褐变的机理;建立了克服苹果与梨茎尖外植体褐变的有效方法、促进苹果与梨试管苗增殖的关键技术、梨试管苗的直接生根技术及苹果试管苗微型嫁接技术。上述研究在国际刊物上发表11篇论文,其中在SCI刊物上发表论文6篇,应邀参加国际学术会议两次,并作大会发言。      C.1999-2008年间,主要研究园艺植物与薯类植物的超低温冷冻机理与技术,转基因技术和分子生物学技术。对国际该领域的主要学术贡献包括:a. 成功地建立了葡萄、柑桔、马铃薯、甘薯、树梅等植物的茎尖和细胞的超低温冷冻保存技术;b. 把超低温冷冻技术与转基因技术结合,显著提高葡萄转基因细胞的转化率与成苗率;c. 成功地建立了葡萄、马铃薯、甘薯等植物的茎尖超低温冷冻脱毒技术和脱除甘薯植原体技术;d. 成功地创立了热处理加茎尖超低温冷冻脱毒技术,有效地脱除了树莓丛状矮化病毒; e. 利用生物技术、分子生物学技术、组培技术、超低温冷冻技术、病毒定位技术、电镜技术、解剖技术等揭示了茎尖超低温冷冻脱除病原菌的机理。成为国际上茎尖超低温冷冻脱除病原菌研究的奠基人之一。上述研究在SCI刊物上发表18篇论文,发表专著章节5章。应邀参加国际学术会议三次,并作大会发言。

  D. 2008-2015年间,主要研究苹果、葡萄、马铃薯、菊花、百合等园艺植物的超低温保存技术与理论,超低温保存再生植株的遗传稳定性鉴定及田间评价;利用超低温疗法脱除植物病毒与类病毒及脱毒新技术的创建,利用组织学技术和病毒定位技术揭示脱毒的原理;利用试管苗研究植物对生物胁迫(病毒和类病毒)和非生物胁迫(干旱和盐)的响应。上述研究在SCI刊物上发表45篇论文,代表论文发表在Trends in Plant Science, Biotechnology Advances, Journal of Biotechnology, Frontiers in Plant Science 等学术刊物上。以特邀嘉宾身份应邀参加国际学术会议6次,作大会发言,并担任上述学术会议学术委员会成员。2011年主持召开了中国国际第一届园艺植物超低温保存学术会议。应邀担任国际低温生物学学会常务理事,任Plant Cell Reports, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Annals of Applied Biology, Acta Physiologia Plantarum及In Vitro cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant编委。


  1) Z-H Cui, WL-Bi, XY-Hao, Y-Xu, PM-Li, MA Walker, Q-CWang. 2016. Responses of in vitro -grown plantlets ( Vitis vinifera ) to grapevine leaf roll-associated virus-3 and PEG-induced drought stress. Frontiers in Physiology,7 (225).

  2)M. Barba, M. Hosakawa, QC Wang, A. Taglienti, Z. Zhang. 2016. Viroid elimination by thermotherapy, cold therapy, tissue culture, in vitro micrografting or cryotherapy. In; Ahmed Hadidi (ed), Plant Viroid, Springer.

  3) Z-B Zhang,  YK Lee,  A Sivertsen,  G Skjeseth,  S. Haugslien,  J.-H liu Clarke, Q-C Wang, D.-R. Blystad. 2016. Low temperature treatment affects elimination and distribution of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid in Argyranthemum. Frontiers in Microbiolology. 7:224. doi: 10.3389/fmicb. 2016.00224 .

  4)Min-Rui Wang, Bai-Quang Li, Chao-Hong Feng, Q-C Wang. 2016. Culture of shoot tips from adventitious shoots can eradicate Apple stem pitting virus but fails in Apple grooving virus . Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 125: 283-291.

  5)Jing-Wei Li, Hou-Hua Li, Ren-Rui Wang, Xiao-Xia Gao and Q-C Wang. 2016. Cryopreservation for retaining morphology, genetic integrity and foreign genes in transgenic Torenia fournieri plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 38: 8.

  6)Z.-H. Cui, B.-Q.Li, W.-L.Bi, J.-W.Li and Q-C Wang. 2015. Plant pathogen eradication by cryotherapy of shoot tips: development, achievements and prospective. Acta Hort. 1083: 35-42.

  7)L. Zhao, C. H. Feng, C. Hou, L.Hu, Q-C Wang, Y. Wu. 2015. First discovery of acetone extract from cotton seed oil sludge as a novel antiviral agent against plant viruses. PLoS ONE 10(2):e0117496

  8)Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Guo Liang, Chen Pan, Zhen-Fang Yin and Q-C Wang. 2015. Plant regeneration via embryo-like structures :histological observations and genetic stability in regenerants of Lilium spp. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 90: 626-634.

  9) Bai-Quan Li, Chao-Hong Feng, Ling-Yun Hu, Min-Rui Wang and Q-C Wang. 2015. Shoot tip culture and cryopreservation for eradication of Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) and Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) fromapple rootstocks ‘M9’ and ‘M26’. Annals of Applied Biology.168:142-150.

  10)Bai-Quan Li, Chao-Hong Feng, Min-Rui Wang, Ling-Yun Hua, Gayle Volk, Q-C Wang, 2015. Recovery patterns, histological observations and genetic integrity in Malus shoot tips cryopreserved using droplet-vitrification andencapsulation-dehydration procedures. Journal of Biotechnology.214: 182-191.

  11) Zhibo Zhang, YeonKyeong Lee, Carl Spetz, Jihong Liu Clarke, Q-C Wang and Dag-Ragnar Blystad. 2015. Invasion of shoot apical meristems by Chrysanthemum stunt viroid differs among Argyranthemum cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6:53. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00053.

  12)Zhen-Hua Cui, Wen-Lu Bi, Jing Liu, Chen Pan, Q-C Wang. 2015. Abiotic stress improves in vitro biological indexing of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in red grapevine cultivars. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 21:490-495.

  13) Wen-Lu Bi, Zhen-Fang Yin, Liang Guo, Long Chen, Chen Pan, Q-C Wang. 2015. Plant regeneration from shoot regrowth and de novo embryo-like structures from cryopreserved shoot tips of Lilium spp. In Vitro Cell.Deve. Biol. Plant. 51: 390-398.

  14)Zhi-Bo Zhang, GrySkjeseth, AbdelameedElameen, SisselHaugslien, Astrid Sivertsen, Q-C Wang and Dag-Ragnar Blystad. 2015. Field performance evaluation and genetic integrity assessment in Argyranthemummaderense plants recovered from cryopreserved shoot tips. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant. 51:505-513.

  15)Ren-Rui Wang, Hai-Qing Mou, Xiao-Xia Gao, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Liu-Qing Huo, Q-C Wang. 2014. Cryotherapy of Ziziphusjujuba shoot tips for efficient eradication of Jujube witches’ broom phytoplasma. Annals of Applied Biology. 166: 218-228.

  16) Ren-Rui Wang, Xiao-Xia Gao, Long Chen, Liu-Qing Huo, Ming-Fu Li and Q-C Wang. 2014. Shoot recovery and genetic integrity of Chrysanthemum morifolium shoot tips following cryopreservation by droplet-vitrification. Scientia Horticulturae, 176: 330-339.

  17)Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Bing Zhao, Q-C Wang. 2014. An efficient, widely applicable cryopreservation of Lilium shoot tips by droplet-vitrification. ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum. 36: 1683-1692

  18) Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Q-C Wang. 2014. Plant regeneration and cryopreservation of Lilium . 2014. ActaHorticulturae. 1027: 185-196.

  19) Lei Zhao, Chao-Hong Feng, B.-Q Li, X-A Hao, H Liu, Yun-Feng Wu, and Q-C Wang. 2014. Rapid detection of Apple stem grooving virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal application. Journal of Plant Pathology, 96: 407-409

  20)Lei Zhao, XinganHao, Huan Liu, Q-C Wang and Yunfeng Wu. 2014. Rapid detection of Turnip mosaic virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of Phytophathology.doi: 10.1111/ jph.12227.

  21)Lei Zhao, Chaohong Feng, XinganHao, Renrui Wang, Lingyun Hu, Q-C Wang and Yunfeng Wu. 2014. Detection and molecular variability of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Shaanxi, China. Journalof Phytopathology.doi: 10.1111/jph.12207.

  22)Bai-Quan Li, Chao-Hong Feng, Min-Rui Wang, Ling-Yun Hu, Long Chen, Q-C Wang. 2014. Cryopreservation of shoot tips of apple ( Malus ) by encapsulation-dehydration using adventitious shoots derived from leaf segments. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant. 50:357-368.

  23)Biao Wang, Ren-Rui Wang, Zhen-Hua Cui, Jing-Wei Li, Wen-Lu Bi, Bai-Quan Li, E. A. Ozudogru,G M. Volk and Q-C Wang. 2014. Potential applications of cryobiotechnology to plant genetic transformation and pathogen eradication. Biotechnology Advances. 32: 583-595.

  24) Biao Wang, Jing-Wei Li, Zhi-Bo Zhang, Ren-Rui Wang, Yan-Li Ma Dag-Ragnar Blystad, E.R. Joachim Keller, Q-C Wang. 2014. Three vitrification-based cryopreservation procedures cause different cryo-injury to potato shoot tips while all maintain genetic integrity in regenerants. Journal of Biotechnology. 84: 47-55.

  25) Zhen-Fang Yin, Long Chen, Wen-Lu Bi, Q-C Wang, Gayle M Volk. 2014. Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis from cryopreserved shoot tips of Lilium Oriental hybrid ‘Siberia’. ActaHorticulturae. 1039:193-200.

  26)Ren-Rui Wang, Xiao-Xia Gao, Long Chen, Q-C Wang. 2014. Cryopreservation of Dendranthemamorifolium 'Japanese Red' shoot tips by droplet-vitrification. ActaHorticulturae. 1039:187-192.

  27)Chao-Hong Feng, Bai-Quan Li, Ling-Yun Hu, Min-Rui Wang, Q-C Wang. 2014. A comparison of two cryogenic protocols in cryopreservation of apple shoot tips. ActaHorticulturae. 1039:161-166.

  28) Biao Wang, B., Jing-Wei Li, Q-C Wang, Shi-Wen Wang, Li-Na Yin. 2014. ATGR1and TDHAR1 over-expression in transgenic plants enhanced recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips of potato ( Solanum tubersum ). ActaHorticulturae. 1039:91-96.

  29)Zhang, Z.-B., Haugslien, S., Clark, J.H.Liu, Spetz, C., lee, Y., Sivertsen, A., Skjeseth, G., Blystad, D-R., Q-C Wang. 2014. Cryotherapy could not eradicate Chrysanthemum stunt viroid from infected Argyranthemummaderense ‘Yellow Empire’. ActaHorticulturae. 1039:201-208.

  30) Jing-Wei Li, Biao Wang, Xiao-Ming Song, Ren-Rui Wang, Hao Zhang, Zhi-Bo Zhang and Q-C Wang. 2013. Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) influence vegetative, physiological metabolism of in vitro-cultured shoots of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 114:313–324

  31) Z.-F. Yin, L. Chen, B. Zhao and Q-C Wang. 2013. Development of simple and universalcryoprocedure for Lilium by droplet-vitrification. Cryo-Letters 34: 174.

  32) Wang B, Zhang ZB, Wang RZ, Ma LY and Q-C Wang. 2013. Development of three vitrification-based cryopreservations of shoot tips for China’s potato. Cryo-Letters 34: 369-380.

  33) Yin ZF, Zhao B, Chen L and Q-CWang. 2013.  A wide spectrum protocol for direct shoot regeneration from leaf segments of Lilium and assessment in regenerated plantlets by ISSR and AFLP. In Vitro Cell Dev.Bio-Plant. 49:333-342.

  34)Feng CH, Cui ZF, Li BQ and Q-CWang. 2013. Duration of sucrose preculture is critical for shoot regrowth in apple ( Malus ) shoot tips cryopreserved by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult. 112:369-378.