

  郁飞,男,汉族,江苏太仓人,1975年5月出生,教授,博士生导师。1997年于南京大学获得理学学士学位(生物学专业)并于2000年于中国科学院植物研究所获得理学硕士学位(植物学专业)。2005年于美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)获得植物生理学博士学位。2005年至2009年于爱荷华州立大学从事博士后研究。2009年回国参加西北农林科技大学生命科学学院工作。现任生命科学学院院长。2009年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。2011年荣获第十届“陕西省青年五四奖章”。







  Qi Y, Liu X, Liang S, Wang R, Li Y, Zhao J, Shao J, An L, Yu F. (2016) A putative chloroplast thylakoid metalloprotease VIRESCENT3 regulates chloroplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana . Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 3319-3332

  Qi Y, Zhao J, An R, Zhang J, Liang S, Shao J, Liu X, An L, Yu F. (2016) Mutations in circularly permuted GTPase family genes AtNOA1 / RIF1 / SVR10 and BPG2 suppress var2 -mediated leaf variegation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Photosynthesis Research 127, 355-367

  Wang R, Liu X, Liang S, Ge Q, Li Y, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F. (2015) A subgroup of MATE transporter genes regulates hypocotyl cell elongation in Arabidopsis . Journal of Experimental Botany 66, 6327-6343.

  Zhang X, An L, Nguyen TH, Liang H, Wang R, Liu X, Li T, Yu F. (2015). The cloning and functional characterization of peach CONSTANS and FLOWERING LOCUS T homologous genes PpCO and PpFT . PLoS ONE 10, e0124108.

  An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F. (2014). The over-Expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves. PLoS ONE 9, e107637.

  Liu X, Zheng M, Wang R, Wang R, An L, Rodermel SR, Yu F. (2013). Genetic interactions reveal that specific defects of chloroplast translation are associated with the suppression of var2 -mediated leaf variegation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 55, 979-993.

  Shao J, Liu X, Wang R, Zhang G, Yu F. (2012). The over-expression of an Arabidopsis B3 transcription factor, ABS2/NGAL1, leads to the loss of flower petals. PLoS ONE 7, e49861.

  Wang M, Liu X, Wang R, Li W, Rodermel S, Yu F. (2012). Overexpression of a putative Arabidopsis BAHD acyltransferase causes dwarfism that can be rescued by brassinosteroid. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 5787-5801.

  Fu A, Liu H, Yu F, Kambakam S, Luan S, Rodermel S. (2012). Alternative oxidases (AOX1a and AOX2) can functionally substitute for plastid terminal oxidase in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. Plant Cell 24, 1579-1595.